Many hands make light work.
Get involved!
The Washington Clay Arts Association’s Board of Directors is the legal entity responsible for the organization.
The legal duties of the board are generally defined in the Washington Clay Arts Association Bylaws. The Board focuses on long-term strategic planning for the organization, financial oversight, operations, and programming. The Board consists of no less than seven and no more than twelve positions. Board Members are selected by a majority vote of the Directors.
Interested in attending a Board meeting? Please go here.
2024 Board of Directors
Laura Souyoultzis
Thomas Kayser
Vice President
Betsy Smith
Tessa Hardin
Brandon Davila
Membership Manager
Regional Liaisons
Exhibitions Manager
Education Manager
Writer/Membership Outreach
Past Presidents
CJ Carter
Sarah Bak
Meredith Rosenfeld Chernick
Jordan Jones
Brenda Lovie
Deb Schwartzkopf
Allison Moore-Peel
Liz Duarte
Gary Georger
Gale Lurie
Maria Spies
"I was honored to serve three terms as President and two as Vice President while living in the Seattle area, and to be awarded a lifetime membership." -Maria Spies
Description of Roles
Hold the vision for the WCA and build momentum for the organization
Create exhibition opportunities for the membership with the support of the board
Organize Socials twice a year for the membership with the support of the board
Prepare an agenda for meetings
Communicate with the board on follow through on volunteer commitments and deadlines
Designate, on reasonable notice, the time and place of all Board meetings
Preside over all meetings of the membership and of the Board of Directors
Appoint such committees as may seem necessary or desirable and shall be an ex-officio member on all standing committees
Attends all general and Board meetings
Keeps & maintains records of all proceedings of the Board and general meetings
Distributes the minutes to the Board in a timely fashion after each meeting
Keeps & maintains the files and records of the organization and shall perform such other duties as are incident to the office of Secretary
Is responsible for all fiscal matters of the organization, and shall maintain adequate books and records which accurately reflect the operations of the organization and its assets and liabilities
Prepares or causes to be prepared all quarterly, annual and such reports and/or tax forms as ordered by law
Reimburses expenses taken on by membership
Gives regular, accurate reports at membership meetings about the status of the WCA accounts/finances
Membership Manager:
Processes annual membership payments
Tracks annual membership, and reports at membership meetings
Manages and fulfills membership applications
Coordinates annual Membership Card creation and distribution with the Promotions Manager
Sends sponsors updated lists of WCA membership
Events Manager
Helps plan, organize, and implement WCA social events
Sends information about social events to PR, social media, newsletter outlets
Organizes volunteer committees for refreshments, food, party supplies, etc.
Works closely with Social Media, Content & Communications, Website, Blog, and Photography Managers to generate promotional content prior to event, and ensure event is properly documented
Content & Communications Manager
Works with Co-Presidents to define the organization's brand & voice
Ensures that the WCA brand & voice are carried through in all channels by working closely with Blog, Social Media, Events, and Photography Managers
Writes copy for events, promotions, and website
Designs and produces marketing/promotional materials for print (rack cards, posters, etc.) and digital use (graphics for newsletter, social media, etc.)
Creates and manages the WCA Newsletters and membership-wide communications
Creates press releases for major WCA events, and distributes to PMI/CM/WA outlets
Website Manager
Keeps the WCA website current, carefully edited, and growing
Manages and assists the volunteers responsible for the Calendar, Membership, Blog, and Events pages
Social Media Manager
Works closely with Events, Content & Communications, Website, and Photography Managers
Works to grow the WCA's presence on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media channels
Manages occasional paid social media ads to drive membership drives and promote events
Takes high resolution images at events for use in social media channels and by Content & Communications Manager
If not present at events, works with Photography Manager to ensure all WCA events are documented accordingly
Needed: Exhibitions Manager
Carries out planning and budgeting for exhibits
Works with Co-Presidents to secure venues
Coordinates logistics and installation on location
Manages calls for entries for juried shows
Works closely with Events, Social Media, Content & Communications, Website, Blog, and Photography Managers to generate promotional content prior to event, and ensure event is properly documented
Needed: Education Manager
Presents, budgets, and develops ideas for educational opportunities for membership that broadly represent the clay arts across the state
Helps grow and manage a volunteer committee for educational opportunities
Works with Co-Presidents to secure venues
Contacts visiting artists and manages contracts
Coordinates budget matters with Treasurer
Works closely with Events, Social Media, Content & Communications, Website, Blog, and Photography Managers to generate promotional content prior to event, and ensure event is properly documented
Needed: Blog Manager
Works with Co-Presidents to develop a content strategy for the WCA blog
Based on content strategy, plans and implements an editorial calendar
Works closely with Content & Communications Manager to promote blog content in Newsletter
Works closely with Events, Social Media, Education, and Exhibit Managers to generate blog content related to upcoming events and/or recaps
Promotes and coordinates writing opportunities for general membership
Manages guest writers
Board Member’s Job Description and Responsibilities
Term of Office: Unless a Director dies, resigns or is removed, office is held for a term of one year. A Director may be reelected as many times as they are able to serve.
Compensation: The Directors receive no compensation for their service as Directors, but are entitled to reimbursement for expenditures incurred on behalf of the organization.
Officers: The officers of the organization are the Co-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer, each of whom is appointed by the Board. Other officers and assistant officers may be appointed by the Board as necessary. The length of term of officers is one year, and a Director may serve as many consecutive terms as he/she is elected to serve.
Time Commitment: The Board holds regular meetings at a minimum of five times a year , scheduled at the discretion and convenience of all Directors. In addition, board members may take on specific tasks and projects, such as serving on committees and attending association events. In total, Board Members should expect to spend an average of no more than five to ten hours per month on official responsibilities. Financial Contribution: Members of the Board are not required to give or solicit a specific dollar amount to the organization’s annual fundraising efforts. However, Board Members may be asked to assist in fundraising efforts.
Specific responsibilities include but are not limited to:
Organizing events and programs for members.
Keeping members informed of clay events through an updated website and newsletter.
Planning for the organization’s long-term growth.·
Overseeing the organization’s finances and the approval of an annual budget.
Engaging other members of the community with the organization.
Suggest possible nominees for election to the Board, who can make significant contributions to the work of the Board and the organization.
Engaging other members of the community with the organization.
Suggest possible nominees for election to the Board, who can make significant contributions to the work of the Board and the organization.
Head Committees as determined by the Board and manage volunteers. Committees must be headed by a Board Member, but all members of the organization are eligible to participate in a committee as volunteers.