Rain City Clay is having their first Anniversary Part!
Rain City Clay is the sister location to Rat City Clay, and offers classes for all levels, skill building workshops, a firing service for local potters, & artist studios.
The WCA will have members there to recruit, and help signup new members. (If you would like to volunteer to help with this. Help would be greatly appreciated.) Please come out and say hi!
From Rain City Clay:
Celebrate with us!
Saturday April 1st, from 12:30-6:00pm
Celebrate Rain City Clay’s one year Anniversary!
Experience the potter’s wheel!
Reserve a free spot in a 1.5 hour group wheel throwing session throughout the day.
An instructor will guide participants through throwing a simple form on the wheel.
Must be +18 years or older.
( Details & Registration )
Decorate, paint, and draw on big rain drop sculptures with color and lines
12:30 - 6:00pm (no reservation needed, just pop in and paint)
Get a tour of the space and learn what we do here!
Tours will run from 12:30-6:00pm. No reservation needed! Just stop by and say hi!